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Writer, seeker, team builder

HOStelpass :


May 2017 - Present

From blogs to landing pages, my work at HostelPass has touched in various facets of the business. I've written press releases and blog posts, as well as created start-up guides, newsletters and copy for the websites landing pages. I've had the unique experience of working with a completely remote team, which strengthened my independent working skills as well my collaborative skills across technological means. My work can be found here.


December 2016 - May 2017

During my time serving as the associate editor on The Wheaton Record's editorial board, I managed a team of copy editors and fact checkers and was responsible for the quality control of the paper. In addition to being the AP style expert, I also wrote regular content for our features and opinion sections. My feature work can be found here.


September 2016 - December 2016

As an editorial intern, I worked closely with the Editor in chief on pieces in various stages: I curated and assed information for articles, pitched content ideas for upcoming print issues and social media campaigns, and authored multiple pieces for website and print issues. In addition, I facilitated multiple company-sponsored events in tandem with the marketing team. My published pieces can be found here.

Hemedex inc :

marketing INTERN

Summer 2015 and Summer 2016

At Hemedex, I updated the design of product catalogue and instructional booklets, as well as created cohesive branding across informational marketing materials and implemented a new record-keeping system for product history. In addition, I also observed and participated in executive sales, marketing and forecasting meetings, directly assisting the CEO and VPs of Technology and Quality Control. 


May 2016 - August 2016

I spent my time at Forever Twenty Somethings as both an editor and a writer. As an editor, I managed a team of 25 writers, helping to shape their content, and schedule and publish it. During my time as an editor, I increased article production by 30%. I also managed our social media accounts, creating content and increasing our Instagram following by 13%. As a writer, I produced regular articles that can be found here.



September 2015 - August 2016

I served as the founding Editor in Chief at Wheaton College for it's inaugural year. I was directly responsible for building and managing a team of more than fifteen writers. I created an atmosphere of professionalism and creativity by exploring aspects of creative journalism with the team. In addition to editing and publishing the articles of the Odyssey team at Wheaton, I also wrote weekly feature articles that can be found here.



September 2015 - April 2016

As a research assistant in the Wheaton's Psychology department, I studied the effects of power on identity formation in inner city minority students. I extrapolated qualitative evidence from subject interviews to compare with hypothesized theory, coded interviews for further research, and discussed implicit and explicit findings with other research assistant and graduate student.

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